7th LifeCourse Immunisation Summit and Working Groups Agendas
PART 1 - Family Transmissions
- Overview of transmission data between family members - Contribution of Infection transmission among households (e.g., SARS, Influenza RSV, and Pneumococcal) in disease prevalence and outbreaks - case studies/overviews
- Breaking the transmission cycle among family members: Shingles and RSV vaccines in adults.
- The impact on health policies – Increasing family protection/vaccinations and the reduced burden on hospitals and primary care
- Family protection as a public health policy and a priority for countries - presenting an opportunity to move towards a Life Course strategy
Discussion: What role can the paediatricians and the GPs can play? What needs to happen to support them?
PART 2 - Maternal Immunisations
- Exploring the importance of maternal vaccinations to the life course vaccination approach, the protection of newborns and breaking family transmission cycles
- Reviewing which vaccines are essential during pregnancy
- Exploring RSV in infants and maternal immunisation data
- Neonatal group B streptococcal (GBS) infection and maternal immunisation - where are we?
- Maternal vaccinations overview - where we are at, what’s new and where the gaps are
Discussion: What are the main obstacles/barriers to increasing maternal vaccination coverage? How can we overcome them?
PART 3 – Adult (65+) Immunisation
- Introduction and rationale for a focus on adults 65+ in a life course approach to immunisation
- Inequity between coverage rates in children and adults
- Vaccinations that impact chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis and dementia
- Societal and economic importance of vaccines for the whole population, including 65+ adults
- Barriers and success stories to improve adult vaccination coverage
Discussion: How can we better mobilise the 65+ population to vaccinate to protect themselves and their families?