In response to recent trends of declining pediatric vaccination rates across Europe, the Excellence in Pediatrics Institute, with support from Pfizer, conducted an online survey* of pediatric healthcare providers (HCPs) and civic, advocacy and HCP stakeholder organisations that aimed to uncover barriers and potential solutions to prioritise routine pediatric immunisation in Europe better.
European Stakeholder Survey Results
The online survey revealed key challenges to pediatric vaccination, the most concerning infectious diseases, the most credible messengers, and most compelling message themes to drive urgency around pediatric vaccination in Europe.
Pediatric Vaccination Resources for Parents
Excellence in Pediatrics Institute and Pfizer are working together to develop resources and encourage more conversations about routine pediatric immunisation between parents and HCPs, based on findings from the survey.
* In October 2022, Pfizer and the Excellence in Pediatrics Institute (EIP) surveyed EIP’s network along with relevant civic, advocacy, and HCP organisations across Europe to uncover barriers and identify solutions to making routine pediatric immunisation a priority. The quantitative, closed-ended questionnaire focused on routine pediatric immunisations in Europe, with COVID-19 vaccinations excluded from the survey. The survey received 106 valid and completed responses between October 6-21. |