Consultant Neonatologist & Adjunct Professor of Neonatology, University Maternity Hospital Limerick GEMS, University of Limerick, IRELAND

Paediatrician, Neonatologist and an innovator of healthcare products and services, Dr Philip is the former Clinical Director of Maternal and Child Health of University Hospital in Limerick, Ireland. He was the President of Irish Paediatric Association (IPA) from 2007 to 2012. He was formerly the consultant at Rotunda Maternity Hospital Dublin and the critical care Fellow at the Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital, London.

Dr. Philip is a Fellow of Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health of UK and the Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine of Ireland. In addition to MD in Paediatrics, he also holds postgraduate qualifications in Health Services Management, Health Economics and Healthcare Leadership & Quality. He is a postgraduate examiner to Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and an Adjunct Senior Lecturer to University of Limerick. He is in receipt of National and International awards for health services developments, an invited guest speaker at International conferences and a reviewer & editorial board member of peer reviewed journals. Neonatal blood sampling device (Philip’s needle) marketed by Vygon as Neo-safe® was developed by him. Dr. Philip's current areas of interest are breastfeeding of premature neonates, RSV & Rotavirus infections, paediatric high dependency unit (PHDU) care and health services developments through partnerships. He is an active communicator via LinkedIn.