Consultant in Pediatrics and Pediatric Infectious Diseases, University Clinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela, SPAIN
Bachelor of Medicine by the Autonomous University of Madrid. PhD. Consultant in Pediatrics and Pediatric Infectious Diseases. She has received complementary training in Infectious Diseases and Immunology at: John Hopkins Children's Hospital (Baltimore), Mount Sinai Hospital (New York), University Hospital 12 de Octubre (Madrid), Children's Hospital of Panama (Panama) and Hospital Carlos III (Madrid).
She has performed the IV University Course of Specialization in Vaccines by the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain (USC, October 2014-June 2015) and the Course ¨PENTA-ESPID Pediatric HIV" framed in the Postgraduate Diploma in Pediatric Infectious Diseases of the University of Oxford in London. She works at the University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela as a Clinical and Researcher Pediatrician. Member of the Genetics, Vaccines, Infectious Diseases and Pediatrics Research Group (GENVIP, since 2014. She has research experience in 7 research projects funded by the European Commission-FP7 / H2020 / IMI-2: ZIKAction (2016-2019), RESCEU (2016-2021), PERFORM (2016-2021), PoC-ID (2015-2018), PREPARE (2016-2019), EUCLIDS (2011-2017) Connect for Children (C4C); as well as in more than 20 National and Multinational Clinical Trials (Phase I-IV). She collaborates with the Regional Office in Europe of the World Health Organization (WHO) by providing training workshops for pediatricians and primary care physicians on pediatric vaccination, specifically covering aspects related to safety, contraindications and indications in special situations (Uzbekistan (2018), Georgia (2016), Vienna (2016), Armenia (2015), Azerbaijan (2015) and Moldova (2014)). She has collaborated in the creation of the WHO "Vaccine Safety and False Contraindications to Vaccination" Manual and is a member of the WHO Collaborating Center for Vaccine Safety at Santiago de Compostela ( She has presented more than 80 communications in National and International Conferences. She has 33 publications (FI> 30 JCR 2015, Member of the Executive Committee of the Pediatric Research Platform of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (INVEST-AEP) since 2018. Member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Vaccinology (AEV) since 2017. Member of the Group Neumoexpertos en Prevención ( since 2014. Member of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Group of the Spanish Society of Pediatrics and Primary Care (GPI-AEPap) since 2013. Her main areas of interest are vaccines, invasive bacterial diseases, tropical diseases and tuberculosis.